Canon’s Campaigns Capture their Motto “Kyosei”

 Canon’s Campaigns Capture their Motto “Kyosei”

Canon, a leading digital camera brand is known for its interesting campaign concepts and their quality products. The brand offers a wide variety of DSLR cameras and equipment associated with them. The company operates with a prime motto – Kyosei, which is their corporate philosophy. The term means “Living and working together for common good.”

Their campaigns highlight the idea of using photography for the greater good of the people rather than using them under different contexts to push political agendas. The Japanese company launched a website to reverse the search engine, where the user could know the real story behind a photo.

The campaign was created by Uncle Grey and this shows how photographer’s photos are exploited without their permission. They also helped local business owners with their campaigns and this attracted many volunteers to join them and make it a grand success.

“Perfect Moments” campaign, it was directed by Jonathan Zames under Big Block Productions and was launched to make people understand that there is no point in being at the perfect location in the perfect time without the right camera.

They have also launched the #ShiftYourFocus campaign to make people concentrate on their real-life challenges rather than the challenges we post on social media platforms. Canon’s campaigns just like their motto not only talk about photography but aim to promote the idea of greater good among the audience.

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